Google,Apple, Facebook, and Amazon, Tech’s Big Five Will Continue to Dominate Digital Future

Four tech giants are currently ruling the digital world. These are Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon. Another digital giant is knocking on the door - Microsoft which slowed down for a while but is now seemingly recovering. All five business conglomerates have dominated the digital industry for years and there seems to be nothing that will stop them from doing the same in the near future.

But which of them is bringing up the rear? Microsoft seems to have recovered its balance and Google which experienced rough sailing last year appears to be steadying its strides. It is Apple which now finds itself going into rough spots due to its sluggish iPhone sales.

Once these five companies allow the public to view their revenues in 2015, there will be no guessing as to which company is lagging behind.

But to those who are seeking to enter the fray, it would be an impossible dream to try nudging any one of these five tech giants from their vaunted positions. In other words, when compared to the rest of the players in the tech industry, these five behemoths will still lord it over in the world's digital future.

That is unless the same thing that happened to HP and IBM, happens to any one of these big five.

HP and IBM were once big behemoths in the tech industry. But the many rough and tumble years they have experienced in the business have led these giants to lose their top positions. Now, they serve as effective examples of how big companies can tumble down if they don't adapt their methods to a fast-changing market.

After many years of lording it over the business and having overly fat revenues, IBM has had eleven straight quarterly losses in 2014 forcing the company to lay off employees en masse. Will the same thing happen to one of today's big five? It is not impossible. Just ask IBM and HP.

Google, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft