The movie that starred David Bowie and Jennifer Connelly focuses on a baby. The baby named Toby, was Sarah's (played by Connelly) baby brother and she wishes for him to disappear. Her wish came true when the goblin king, played by David Bowie, kidnaps him. This was the start of Sarah's adventure to rescue him.
Now, in the 21st Century, the 1986 British-American fantasy adventure film, Labyrinth, is going to get a reboot.
The movie which was directed by Jim Henson has struck a deal with Tri Star to reboot the fantasy. The film will be penned by Guardians of the Galaxy writer Nicole Perlman.
Labyrinth was the last film created by Henson with George Lucas executively producing it. The Jim Henson Co. has closed the deal with TriStar's Nicole Brown and includes Lisa Henson producing the project.
It is not yet known if this will be an adaptation, a sequel or a re-imagining of the original.
Which was confusing when Perlman tweeted out that she's not "rebooting" anything.
When the film came out in 1986, it was a flop in its initial release. This failure led to Jim Henson's exit in film directing. The movie only became popular years after.
Will the faithful followers of the original movie open their busy schedules for this reboot? Some reports indicated that people are not happy about it at all.
Mainly because both Bowie and Henderson are no longer living and a reboot is insensitive given the timing that Bowie has just recently passed.
Fans have expressed their disappointment online indicating that the film industry should focus on something else, other than remaking 80's movies.
This has also been addressed by Perlman. She and Henson Co. started talking about the idea in 2014. The timing was just not ideal as it nearly coincides with Bowie's death. She goes on to say that she would never seek to profit from Bowie's untimely passing.
Be that as it may, the production of the reboot is already in the works with the details of the film being kept locked up tightly.
Right now, it's a safe bet that some viewers are most likely watching the original Labyrinth.