Do you think the battle between two of the best operating systems is ever going to end? It might, but the chances are vague. It is actually more of an accepted feud that's why it's still around, and people seem to get a kick out of throwing reasons to each other as to why one is better than the other. Take a look at 5 of the reasons why the other half of the stadium scream "Team iPhone!":
1. The camera. Even some of the Android users agree to this - iPhones have a sharper camera compared to some Android phones. Their retina display is a classy feature that kicks other phones' butts when it comes to the snapshot department. Not just acing their photo game, iPhones' resolution for their videos are not to be taken lightly as well. Though the Samsung Galaxy S6 takes better pictures at low light, the iPhone 6 Plus takes warmer outdoor shots, in a comparison made by Tom's Guide.
2. The simple yet sleek pages. According to most Apple users, one of the main reasons why they can never trade their iPhones to anything else, is the consistency of the appearance and arrangement of their display and home pages. Not everyone likes to customize their phones a lot, and that is totally fine.
3. The best apps. For sure, Android has amazing applications as well, but when asked, the Apple users ooze out a vibe of satisfaction that is really undeniable. If you're a huge fan of photography applications, only iPhones have Hipstamatic and 8mm.
4. The Apple Pay. Being the simplest to use, all you have to do is bring your iPhone at the checkout counter of supported payment terminals, then press your finger on your phone's Touch ID sensor. Making life easier, that's what.
5. The OS updates just when you need them. Just when you think you're the only one who experiences glitches with the system, your iPhone surprises you with an OS update tto fix bugs and problems, together with improvements with everything else.