Tips For a Successful Sales Career

Bentley University professor Gary Johnson shares five tips on how to sell yourself and land a job. It might be too difficult to execute, but the tips are actually basic. These are some of the things we do every day.

If you want a successful career in sales, then learn to master these five skills.

1. Listening
yes, listening. As easy at it sounds, but not everybody has the skill to actually listen. When you want a career in sales, you have got to learn how to listen. "You talk, you lose" is Johnson's mantra. "People want to be understood. You've got to be able to show empathy, show the client that you hear them and understand their business pain and challenges."

2. Asking the Right Questions
When trying to sell something, learning to ask the right questions is very important. You wouldn't want to embarrass yourself. On the other hand, you wouldn't want to lose your clients. Make it a habit to research about your client's needs. "If you have a good degree of business acumen and understand how a business operates, you'll know the right questions to ask."

3. Building an Opening Statement
The opening statement is the most thrilling part of a sales career. You have a few second to make an impression and convince your clients that he or she should listen to what you are about to say. As Johnson would say it: "If your elevator pitch isn't succinct and exciting, you have a strong chance of losing a client's interest right then and there."

4. Being a Team Player
"Salespeople get pegged as lone rangers out to make a buck, but the best sales people actually work hand-in-hand with a sales team, sales manager, clients and even other departments such as marketing." Make yourself shine in your team. Stand out. Work your way towards you being a key team player.

5. Negotiating
It is a normal part of a sales career to negotiate. Everyone would want to end up a ta fair or cheap price. That is why you have got to learn how to negotiate and close deals that would not turn out as losses for your company. "You don't have to go into a career in sales to take advantage of this advice, because you need to sell no matter who you are or where you are in life and your career," Johnson says. "And you're always selling yourself and your talents to employers."

Career Advice