Having Difficulty in Finding Good Employees? Here’s Why

It is somewhat of an oxymoron: with so many people trying to find work, why is it so hard to get a good employee?

Well, if you're an employer, would you believe that perhaps the problem is closer to home and not with the job applicants? It is a human proclivity to blame it on the other person if something goes wrong. This also applies to personnel recruitment.

So, if you are not getting good employees, consider the following reasons and determine if one of them applies to you.

1. You are one of those still existing in the Stone Age.

This is the age of Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and other social media networks. It means that nowadays, the process of getting connected with anybody anywhere is really very easy.

If you are still not using this method in your recruitment process, that means you are depriving yourself of one of the best ways of reducing your difficulties. Start using social media networks in finding good employees and you will see it's just that easy.

2. You have no identity

Good workers want to work for good companies. In other words, if your company's reputation is good, it won't be hard for you to fill up an available position with a competent job applicant. But if it's hard to distinguish your company from its rivals, you will have a difficult time.

So, try to develop an image that is good enough for potential job applicants to desire a position in your company. You need an identity, a face, and a culture.

3. You look down on job applicants

It's natural for recruiters to look down on job applicants. Therefore, you should fight this tendency and treat them as persons worthy of respect. Don't let them go through piles upon piles of documents to fill-up and tests to pass, and then leave them hanging as to when they will get a callback. Remember: most job-seekers are not willing to wait if there are other companies that need their services.

Tips for employers, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter