Do you want your business cards to be thrown into the garbage bin by your prospective customer? If that happens, your business will not grow as you would want it to. How can you induce the recipients of your card to save and store it in a place where they can retrieve it whenever they need your product?
Your business card is your instant 'instrument of recall' for your fresh customers. You need to make it stand out from the thousands of business cards issued by your competitors.
Apart from including all the necessary details about your product and service, here are some suggestions on how you can set your business cards way above those of your rivals.
1. Be unique
Although the standard recommendation is to limit your card to the standard size because they are easy to store in a rolodex, do you want your card to just be stored together with all those hundreds of cards?
To the owner of the rolodex, your business card is just one of them, so why bother? A better idea is to create the most attractive and eye-catching MINI business card, not so small, but not the usual size either.
In this way, your business cards will be unique from all the rest - no matter what product or business you are selling.
2. Get a professional designer to create your business logo.
A company logo is your identifying mark. It distinguishes you from all your competitors. And the eye of a professional artist, who is experienced in mass psychology, will be your best help in crafting the most eye-catching and unique logo you will ever see.
3. Add interesting and eye-catching elements in your card.
Again, a professional designer will be able to help you put the additional design elements in your business card that will instantly catch the eye of the onlooker. The moment your orders come in, you'll be able to recover the professional fee you've paid him.