Take the three smart career moves you should make this 2016 from Liz Ryan. Ryan has been a Fortune 500 HR SVP for quite a while but before she became a senior executive, she was an Opera Singer. She's had her fair share of progress. Now, being a Forbes contributor, she aims to reinvent HR and improve careers in 2016.
It's almost mid-February, and for most brick and mortar companies, that means performance appraisal time.
So here's what bothers most employees when managers start bugging them about the past year and the future - What are your career goals this 2016?
The biggest career step to make in 2016 is to determine a career strategy. There are three ways you can do so.
- Growing Muscles in Place - This means you continue to stay at your current job for the year but that doesn't mean stagnating. It means you have to ask yourself "What do I want to acquire or accumulate from this job in 2016?" Think about what else you can do in your current state. Maybe take on that idea you wrote on the post-it. Lead a project. The purpose is to strengthen your current state.
- Changing Jobs - It's normal to see people change jobs for various reasons but if this is what you choose for 2016 then that means you opt to switch roles in the same company or work for another. ou can job-hunt part-time around your full-time job. If your job search is stuck in neutral, here are ideas for getting it unstuck and moving again!
- Building your Two-Lane Highway - If you go another route like launching your own consultancy gig then you have to plan carefully and planning carefully takes time. You can start your planning with "What do I love to do, and what am I good at?"Once you find your passion, start building on it and research.