YouTube Red Originals: PewDiePie Creates Exclusive Content; Ad-Free Video Streaming Now Available For $10

YouTube Red is Google's ad-free premium package for the video streaming website. The first Red Originals are now available at $10 per month.

On Feb. 10, YouTube has successfully launched its first original content, and it showcased huge personalities like Lilly Singh and YouTube sensation PewDiePie. Rooster Teeth also had a feature entitled "Lazer Team" and AwesomenessTV had "Dance Camp."

These and more will be available to subscribers of YouTube Red.

YouTube has already revealed that they will be adding six more shows during the year. Engadget reported that films like "Fight of the Living Dead" will be made available for zombie fanatics, and "Bad Internet" for college humor aficionados.

Many companies are already getting in on the live-streaming industry such as the Sonos and Apple music integration and the already staple Netflix. YouTube is trying to stake its claim by giving an experience to users for original and exclusive content.

The streaming service costs $9.99 per month inclusive of an ad-free experience and offline YouTube video access with an additional Google Music subscription. YouTube was smart to enlist YouTube video creators that already racked up millions of subscribers with their own original content which means they're banking on their creativity and followers.

Although the service is only available to subscribers in the United States, users off-shore in certain countries can still be able to acquire access to these original videos. Engadget listed prices like $10 for the "Lazer Team" movie and $2.75 for an episode of "Scare PewDiePie."

For morde details about YouTube Red, check out the company's video release.

Streaming service, Entertainment, Business, Finance, Investment