Microsoft Purchasing Another Popular Mobile App, “SwiftKey”

Windows 10 maker bought the best known keyboards for third-party use that would strengthen its mobile capabilities. Earlier this month, Microsoft bought another popular app for its Windows, SwiftKey a third-party keyboard for an amount not yet been known.

This is one of the fourth major mobile accomplishment the company has made in the last 14 month underlining Microsoft's progress to commit in crossing other platforms compatibility.

SwiftKey has been receiving a great degree of reviews considering the competitiveness for third-party keyboards in the market.

According to The Verge, last year SwiftKey was labeled the best keyboard experience for the iPhone, following the second best keyboard for Android operated mobiles. Although the mobile keyboard by Microsoft received the same review, still remains embattled under Windows Phone.

The deal was encouraged largely because of SwiftKey's artificial intelligence assets according to a report by The Financial Times. The app offers a quick and flexible typing experience, but more important its ability to predict is what over excelled its competitors.

The Verge's Dan Seifert reports, "It has the best word prediction you can get. The word prediction is so good that oftentimes I don't even need to type any words, SwiftKey already knows what I'm planning to say,".

Swiftkey mentioned that its technology has made it easy for users to save around 10 trillion keystrokes for about 100,000 years of collective time. Microsoft will allow to improve its Windows platform by using the technology of SwiftKey.

At the same time, Microsoft will also be given access to hundreds of millions of mobile users with SwiftKey, since the app has been available in Google Play app store in 2010, following the iTunes App Store in 2014. At first, the app cost around $4 to purchase, later on it gave out the free premium version. Samsung is notably one of the phone manufacturers that license SwiftKey to operate their own mobile keyboards.

Over relatively short history, SwitKey managed to rack up hundreds of millions of users, and now its technology operates across Android and iOS over some 300 million mobile devices.

Microsoft, Windows phone
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