Twitter News: Past Failures Deemed Unfixable? Earnings Weak

Recently, Twitter has reported its financial earnings, and it showed disappointing results as the company showed no-user growth. Has Twitter's past failures been deemed unfixable?

The social media network has been trying to boost its potential towards users, integrating Periscope and Go Pro but unfortunately, that didn't move the growth rate in its total user registration.

A report from Tech Crunch confirmed that - excluding SMS users - the user base declined from 307 million to 305 million. The publication described it as confusing for users. "It ditched people on nearly empty Timelines with little idea about what or how to tweet or who they should follow," the website explained.

It did almost everything, including getting TV commercials to use hashtags. In an attempt to gain consumer and investor confidence back, Twitter launched Moments in October last year. Still, the earnings report was weak.

With so many things Twitter has been trying to do, which also includes expanding its limited character restriction for tweets, why is it still unable to move the needle?

While popular celebrities and journalists can still get followers, the average humans felt like they were tweeting into space, leaving them feeling frustrated.

Is it possible that users were totally turned off with Twitter following Facebook's feed? When Twitter moved to an algorithmically sorted timeline, it will put the most important tweets at the top. Twitter hopes to increase its user base with this new move and also gain back their lost users.

The problem of the company is not only on how to increase its user base, but also how to monetize on the social network. Still, users and investors are eager to see changes for the company to turn around - and quickly. For now, it's obvious that Twitter is still staying.

Twitter, Social media, Social Network