Coca-Cola And Pepsi Uses ‘Greatest Marketing Trick Of the Century' To Save Business

Bottled water is undoubtedly the most valuable bottled resource worldwide. Coca-Cola and Pepsi use bottled water as the greatest marketing trick of the century to save their business.

"Bottled water is the marketing trick of the century," says John Jewell in The Week. While bottled water means available and easy access to drinkable water for consumers, it may mean otherwise for consumers as well - when it comes to price.

Consumers are reportedly convinced that bottled water is a much healthier and safer choice compared to the sodas they sell. Bottled water companies bank on consumers' thinking that drinking bottled water means taking care of their bodies and the environment.

What consumers don't know is that Pepsi and Coca-Cola are trying to tap this industry in temrs of its marketable potential. Coca-Cola's Dasani and Pepsi's Aquafina are now major water brands. Why the sudden interest? In 2015, reports indicated that water consumption has increased 12% in 2015 which means customers are opting to buy bottled water more.

Investing their Research and Development on bottled water over sugary drinks may be financially advantageous for the beverage companies. This is a positive path for businesses because in recent years health-related issues have sprouted coming from sugar and artificial drinks. Health concerns such as cardiac-related issues, diabetes, obesity and more have caused food and beverage companies to be much more careful in their ingredients, promotions, marketing and labeling. These issues caused decline in sales and bad press over the past few years.

How will they make bottled water much more interesting? Aquafina is promoting flavored bottled water and Coca-Cola launches sparkling Smartwater.

The industry knows how valuable water is. And the bottled water market is a $13 billion business that Coca-Cola and Pepsi clearly sees.

Business, Finance, Investment, Health