Snapchat Let’s Users Subscribe to Publishers’ Snaps, Makes Content Discoverable

Snapchat plans on letting its users subscribe to publishers snaps in order to appease negative ratings on lack of discoverability. Users can subscribe to favorite channels.

Why is Snapchat banking on its Discover page? It's the social network's mode of monetization. In an attempt to court dissatisfied content producers, Snapchat is appealing to its paying subscribers.

Snapchat has been a trending mobile app that lets its users upload graphics and images to followers. Recently, it has been concerned at the rate of content producers opting out of its platform. Now, the company is telling its publishers that it plans to let users subscribe to their favorite channels and they will get push notifications when a content is posted, according to a report from Re/code.

The app is trying to reinvigorate itself and has also been thinking about changing each publisher's logo with a "magazine-like image that rotates each day depending on that publisher's content," explains Re/Code. Although this has not been formally confirmed, it is certain that Snapchat is trying to make changes in order to monetize the market better and keep its user base. Snapchat authorities and spokespersona have not commented on the matter.

If Snapchat's plan to make the Discover page more friendly, this will allow users to subscribe to publishers like ESPN, Food Network, Comedy Central, MTV , Vice, or any other publisher of their choice. Such will mean lesser complaints. This move can gain back the confidence of its publishers and faithful followers.

Mobile apps and social companies have been known to improve their following and user base in order to stabilize or increase monetization. It is critical for companies like Snapchat to always to continue to develop and aim towards users' needs in order to remain successful.

Business, Investment, Finance, Social media, Social Network