Career Advice: How To Say No And Still Get Ahead

Yes, it's good to have the attitude of not wanting to offend people. But do you know that unabated people-pleasing can derail your success at the workplace?

Most people are hard-wired as people-pleasers and if you won't fight this tendency, it might lead you down the path to oblivion - as far as your career is concerned. There is a proper time to say no and this article will help you delineate when those times should be.

1. When you are being persuaded to go against company policy

Companies and organizations are peopled with individuals with different character traits and cultural backgrounds. There would be those who are easily persuaded to do things, even wrong things, if they see that there's monetary gain in it.

But there are also those on the other side of the fence that won't budge an inch and will choose the right over the wrong no matter what.

It is better to say no to a colleague if he persuades you to do something that goes against company policy even if you will gain some amount of money out of it. The company will eventually find out and where will you be when that time comes? Probably out of the company's premises.

2. When you are being persuaded to just do what is necessary and not your best.

It is quite an interesting depiction of the human nature that every workplace has its own distinct character. For instance, there are many government offices where the attitude of complacency is the norm.

If you are in such a workplace and you are not careful, it is very easy for you to imbibe that sorry workplace culture. So, if you really want to get ahead, say no to being complacent and say no to just doing what is just required.

If you want to get ahead in your career, you can't be just like everyone else. Getting ahead means being at the lead pack and not being with the masses groveling in the middle. There is no such thing as a role made in mediocrity.

Career Advice, Career, Career tips, Career goals