Do You Need To Earn The Respect Of Your Employees?

You must be some kind of a psychic if you are an employer. It is important for you to sense if there is a wrong attitude brewing in your company that undermines your authority. Respect is very important if you are to run your company the way it should be run.

The moment you lose your employees' respect, your control will quickly dissipate. Pretty soon, productivity drops, accountability goes out the window, and problematic behavior will spread like wildfire.

You need to move quickly, and earn the respect of your employees if you want to save your company.

If you are already in this situation, there ways you can regain your employees' respect.. Here are some recommendations.

1. If you need to sacrifice anything, then do it for the greater good of your company especially if that sacrifice will enhance the success of your employees.

2. Re-create positive energy in your company.

When there is mistrust in an organization, a negative energy is going around. You need to arrest its build up and replace it with a positive one. This can be accomplished effectively by creating a positive climate where your employees' efforts are directed towards surmounting the activities of your competitors, rather than fighting perceived 'enemies' inside the organization.

3. Be sincere

Sincerity is great when earning the trust and respect of another person. If mistrust has already infected a number of your employees, try to approach the one that is most affected by the malady. Win him over to your side with actions motivated by sincerity of purpose. Pretty soon, his heart will melt, and he will be your promoter to the rest of the afflicted group.

4. Show them that you are after their growth

If you give growth opportunities to those who mistrust you, they will see that you are not the kind of person to be mistrusted. But be sure that you are really doing it to develop their potential, and not just for money-making purposes.

Employees, Tips for employers
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