Are you looking for an entry-level job to gain experience or an internship post that will boost your portfolio?
CWU students and alumni can get the chance to look for internships and jobs in another fashion. The Wildcat Career Network is a job and internship database installed through a my CWU account. Students can access it through their current accounts and exteranl logins will be provided for alumni.
Vicki Sannuto, Career Services Director explains that this new system will allow potential employers to upload job posts and internship positions with their corresponding information required regarding events and interview set ups in the university. "Additionally, the database includes off-campus job listings from the Office of Student Employment, " Sannuto further explains.
This seems ike a great way for the university's body to search for job opportunities. They call it a "one stop shop" where they can find career opportunities and growth.
Sannuto can attest that this is a big leap as Career Services have been hearing complaints that the campus body found it difficult to find jobs in a single setting. This "one stop shop" is described to be an easily accessible place for job information.
The site will also detail career fairs available in the area and announcements for potential employer visits, seminars, talks and other events. There is an RSVP option for users to register when a career fair pops up.
Another feature is that it can connect students to professionals as mentors plus faculty members can review profiles and resumes and create recommendations for the users.
Registration to the site only takes a few minutes. This was made possible by the NaceLink Network. The site provides users access to over two million job posts.
Sannuto hopes that this will enable users to find whatever they need when it comes to internships and employments.