9 Things You Are Doing At Work That Are Not Letting You Succeed

Sometimes you acquire bad habits at work without realizing it. Not only do they rub your co-workers the wrong way, they make you less efficient and your work experience less rewarding.

According to The Muse, here are some of the habits that you may have, and must get rid of as soon as possible:

1. Treating Work like a Burdensome Task

People who succeed at work never have a 'get it over with' attitude. Instead, they learn to pay attention to detail, analyze, be pro-active and even learn to enjoy it. It is a passive-aggressive thing to do to take a project on that you don't want to do. Go by the time old adage: if something is worth doing, it is worth doing well.

2. Being Partially Honest

Telling half-truths actually annoys people more than a complete lie, simply because it can't be identified as a lie until it is too late. Don't leave yourself a secret loophole and manipulating the truth by denying that you lied. This will no't make things clear to the people you're talking to. If you're sure about something, there should be no reason to hide it. If you're not sure about the ethical/moral ramifications of an action you're doing, you probably shouldn't be doing it at all. Just be open and honest.

3. Playing the Blame Game

When something goes wrong, a lot of people whip their heads around to find out who is responsible. Finger pointing has never resulted in any real solution. When something goes wrong, what is important is how it can be avoided in the future, and how (and if) this one can be fixed.

4. Ducking Liability

You can't choose to take credit for all the good work you do without also accepting responsibility for the mistakes and the bad decisions. If you have watched The Core (2003), you know you're not a leader until you've learnt how to lose. Being responsible is just normal adult behavior.

5. Not Knowing How to Take Care of Yourself

Maturity is significant and it has a lot to do with knowing how to balance work and personal life. When you don't do that by bringing work home or not giving yourself enough relax time, you will stress both yourself and others around you. Turn off your phone during meals, when you're off duty and before going to bed. It is highly unlikely that there is a work emergency until you can get back to work.

Job, Career, Workplace