With today’s economy still in shambles and the number of good paying jobs slowly dwindling away, it can be tough for the average person to make ends meet with survival income. The logical answer would be to work a job that pays you 100 grand per year. This might have sounded weird two decades ago since these kinds of jobs were pretty rare back then. But ever since we entered the new millennium, there have been many people who managed to join the $100,000 per year club.
Here are some jobs that are guaranteed to pay you at least 100 grand per year:
1. Surgeon, dentist, medical doctor – With a minimum of 9 years’ worth of education, you can land yourself a sure-fire career that will net you a pretty hefty salary.
2. Aviation chief – If you are a pilot who can help supervise another pilot, then expect to roll in a lot of dough. Pilots that work privately for big time corporations surpass the 100 mark.
3. Computer programmer, computer security officer, and data manager – Who says that nerds don’t have good paying jobs? With almost everything now being run by computers, it is no wonder why those who have a substantial amount of computer knowledge get paid the big bucks.