‘No Man’s Sky’ Release Date: Will It Make The June 2016 Deadline? Hello Games Say No One Can Finish The Game

"No Man's Sky" is one of the most highly anticipated games of the year, but will it make it to the target release date of June 2016? The game's universe might just be too big to make the deadline - and maybe even for any player to finish it.

Hello Games, the UK-based makers of the game, share that they are indeed working hard to finish the game. They definitely put a lot of effort into it, as they have mentioned in one interview that they stayed true to the science haven't "faked" any physics on the game whatsoever.

Sean Murray of Hello Games said to The Atlantic that "With us, when you're on a planet, you can see as far as the curvature of that planet. If you walked for years, you could walk all the way around it, arriving back exactly where you started."

It is also reported a few days ago that "No Man's Sky" has also triggered Elon Musk to think about and ponder whether or not reality is just merely a simulation. Murray had an answer to Tesla's Elon Musk's question by saying that even if it's merely a simulation, "it's still a good simulation, and no one can question it."

Is "No Man's Sky" impossible to finish? The game is said to be so big and limitless, no one can finish it. Also, it is also impossible for two humans to stumble upon one another in "No Man's Sky" since the universe is just too fast. If two humans do have that special encounter, it would evoke "real awe."

As mentioned, "No Man's Sky" has a release date of June 2016, but no specific date within the said month. The much-awaited game will be released in VR headsets, PS4, and PC. The retail price is $73.

No man's sky, Release Date