Actor Steven Bauer had been arrested on Monday night in the Miami area after he was caught driving using a suspended license. Bauer, who appeared in the highly popular, but controversial film “Scarface,” is currently being held in the Miami-Dade County Jail. According to reports published by the Denver Post, Bauer was pulled over by the police after he reportedly made an illegal left turn.
The officers were about to let Bauer go with just a warning, but soon changed their minds after they found that he had a 12 year old open warrant while running through his driver’s license. It was not made clear as to what the warrant was for. Bauer’s passenger, 23 year old Wilmar Machado, had also been taken into custody and was charged for possession of drug paraphernalia and marijuana.
Bauer, whose real name is Steve Ernest Echevarria, is most popularly known for portraying the role of Mannie Ribera in Scarface alongside Al Pacino back in 1983. The 52 year old has had a pretty fruitful acting career beyond Scarface. Some of his more notable projects include starring in Primal Fear alongside Edward Norton and in Traffic with Benicio del Toro.
But no matter what other roles he plays, Bauer will always be remembered for playing the suave and cool ladies’ man in the 1983 cult classic.