The brutal Sandy Hook school gunman, Adam Lanza, had destroyed his hard drive before embarking on one of the country's worst killing spree in history. Police say that it may be beyond repair, leaving them unable to find some sort of explanation for the shooter's motive.
When the authorities first found the hard drive, they thought that it could be the key in identifying why the seemingly "normal" 20 year old would even think of mercilessly shooting all of those innocent children and teachers. It seems apparent that the shooter didn't want his motive revealed.
The FBI is attempting to extract information from what's left of his hard drive, but they have publicly stated that it likely isn't possible since Lanza destroyed it using a screwdriver or hammer and may have also possibly overwritten it to try to conceal his secrets.
"The kid obviously knew what he was going to do," said a certain law enforcement officer. "This was a planned incident. There isn't any question about it."
Lanza didn't leave any letter or note offering a reason for the killings, or a reason why he targeted all of those harmless school children. While the police are still searching for evidence, they have have found no concrete proof to say that he was being given any drugs prescribed for mental illness.