Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg Scolds Anti-'Black Lives Matter' Employees

Black Lives Matter is a chapter-based movement that aims to promote the validity of Black life and rebuild the Black liberation movement.

The movement has found an ally in Mark Zuckerberg as the Facebook CEO reprimanded his employees who seem to be against it.

NBC News report that an internal memo was posted for all Facebook employees.

The memo states that Zuckerburg was disappointed with how his employees reacted to the movement. Some of them crossed out 'Black Lives Matter' and wrote 'all lives matter'.

"Despite my clear communication at Q&A last week that this was unacceptable, and messages from several other leaders from across the country, this has happened again," Zuckerberg stated. "I was already very disappointed by this disrespectful behavior before, but after my communication I now consider this malicious as well," he continued

Zuckerberg also emphasized that the point of the movement is for the black community to achieve the justice that they deserve. It does not mean that the lives of other people do not matter.

True enough, the goal of 'Black Lives Matter' is to broaden the "conversation around state violence to include all of the ways in which Black people are intentionally left powerless at the hands of the state." The movement is to talk about several ways in which "Black lives are deprived of our basic human rights and dignity."

Facebook is one of the companies that is investing resources when it comes to workforce diversity. Reports have showed that only 4% of the tech industry community is composed of African Americans.

The Black Lives Mater movement is said to be the result of a Facebook post way back 2013 which used the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter.

However, according to the Black Lives Matter's official website, the #BlackLivesMatter was formed in 2012. It was formed after George Zimmerman was acquitted for his crime. Zimmerman was said to be Trayvon Martin's murderer. Martin was then 17 years old. He was also post-humously placed on trial for his own murder.

Mark Zuckerberg