How to Have a Career: Advice to Young Writers

Here are some tips for those who are working to be a writer or those who already are.

1. Don't stop working

Be persistent. Always take into consideration that people all over the world are working hard - some are working harder than you. For starters, it is okay to cover events - that is, if you write news. However, if you are looking for stories, skip the event and go to the after-event parties or receptions. That is where you can find good stories. Talk with people involved in the event - know their stories, their struggles, and their victories.

2. Save your money

Instead of enrolling in a gym, go for a run in the neighborhood. Instead of going to coffeeshops to work every day, buy your own coffee machine and make your own coffee. Work in the comfort of your home. Remember that being a writer - especially when you are just starting - does not give you a luxurious life. However, invest in things that you can use, such as, earphones, good camera or camera phone, a good pair of shoes (because, yes, you will be chasing after stories), and health insurance. You don't even need to invest in too many clothes.

3. Choose your friends (and family)

Sarah Manguso says that writers should "[a]void all messy and needy people including family; they threaten your work. You may believe your messy life supplies material, but it in fact distracts you from understanding that material, and until you understand it, it is useless to you. Don't confuse users, hangers-on, or idols with friends."

4. Treat everyone with kindness

If they treat you bad, treat them with kindsness. If they treat you good, treat them with kindness. Bottom line is that you should learn to treat everyone with kindness. You are going to meet all kinds of people, and some of these people you have long memories. If you were not acting accordingly, they might remember you. They might not like the way you behaved when they first met you.Take care of your dignity. At the end of the day, be sure your dignity stays intact.

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