"Pretty Little Liars" has dominated the small screens with much vigor and thrills. However, the much acclaimed suspense genre series hits the spotlight as Lucy Hale shared its nearing end.
Although Hale confirmed the surging speculations, many could still not accept the reality that "Pretty Little Liars" is closing its doors once and for all. Nonetheless, it it undeniable that the series is affirmatively ending, as noted by Unreality TV.
To further prove the latter, Hale added on to say, " It is ending. We've been doing it for six years. I've literally spent my twenties on the show, and I think all good things must come to an end. Who knows what could happen. I love that show, the people I work with. It's really fun; it's the best job in the world. I count my blessings everyday."
Even though what she said was right, the fans and followers of the series could not help but wonder on how the girls would fare and what the final ending would be. Nevertheless, Hale rendered forth her own rendition of what she wants the ending to be.
She relayed that in the past, she wanted a happy ending and more of fairytale and filled with happiness and glowing girls, but now she changed her mind. Strikingly, TV Series Finale cited how Hale wanted an ending that would be tragic and beyond recompense.
Meanwhile, as the upcoming season finale is on its way, fans and followers of "Pretty Little Liars" might just have to say goodbye to the series that have grown through time and just like any other stories out there, the end is always inevitable.