5 More Things That Have Changed The Face Of Job Searching

The face of everything has been changed by technology date, here are 5 more ways in which job searching is now different.

1. Welcome Google, goodbye resumé.

Recruiters are now on the fast-track wagon too. They no longer wait to go through laborious stacks of paper resume; instead, they just do what everyone else does when they want to do anything: they Google. In fact companies nowadays even necessitate that employees be subjected to Google searches as verification.So Google yourself and see what comes up on your first page of results.

2. You no longer need to list every single sundry job you ever did.

Gone are the days when you mentioned your high school yearbook committee on your CV. A short summary of relevant work history does the trick. It is a well known theory that recruiters spend only 30 seconds on scanning a resume. LinkedIn even gives you an option to create a work summary for yourself.

3. You have to prove yourself - on social media.

If sources like US News (Money) are to be believed, testimonials, endorsements, recommendations etc on social media are a must now. They reduce the risk of hiring you that hiring managers see. It costs a lot to a manager to hire the wrong person, according to some, a new hire leaving within the first three months costs the company as much as one and a half year of the hire's annual salary.

4. Your CV will be read on a computer screen, not a hard copy.

So tailor your resume accordingly: make it easy to be scanned on a screen.

5. Contacts are more important than resumes and on-paper qualifications.

It really has become more about who you know than what you know these days. Business contacts go a long, long way in getting you a job. Do not underestimate the power of networking. Often, you are asked for your resume once you have been introduced through mutual contacts.

Technology, Job, Career, Work, Job search