Five Newly Released Emojis Made To Make The Most Of Facebook Reactions

Facebook just recently rolled out the latest reaction emojis for all the users around the world. Thankfully, there will be five additional emojis to choose on how to personally react on a Facebook post.

I Digital Times noted that the feature has been developed for a year and it was first released for beta testing among seven countries last October. The report also made it clear that the reaction emoji are not designed to replace the previous like button. The additional emoji will give users extra options in order to quickly and personally respond to a friend's post.

The new reaction emojis are expected to resolve the problems for some users when responding to a particular post. Giving out extra emotional reactions emoji will help them express themselves even more.

"We've been listening to people and know that there should be more ways to easily and quickly express how something you see in News Feed makes you feel," Facebook said during the launch. Furthermore, the social media company explained that the new reaction emojis are quite simple. The like button will work the same way it always did. The Love or heart emoji can use to show an affectionate support to someone.

The Wow or shocked emoji is to express amazement by some news. The Haha or laughing face emoji is to laugh out loud on a post. The Sad face emoji to express sad emotions and the Angry face emoji is to voice anyone's anger.

There will be no more awkward situation of hitting the "like" about the death of a friend's dog. Anyone can now choose their own symbolic way to acknowledge a situation and demonstrate support. However, the responses which will affect the posts showing up on the news feed will still need to be decided.

Facebook, Facebook news, Facebook Post