Jon Snow Alive In George R.R. Martin’s ‘Winds Of Winter?’ Author Reveals Major Plot Twist

Jon Snow may be alive by the time George R.R. Martin's "Winds of Winter" release date happens. reported that the "Song of Ice and Fire" author has revealed that book 6 of his fantasy novel series will have a "pivotal plot development" which will not be shown in "Game of Thrones."

There have been speculations on whether Jon Snow is alive in "GoT" season 6, which will be aired this April. A lot of fans believe that the character, portrayed by Kit Harington, will make an appearance in the upcoming season.

"They should tune in and watch because whatever happens in the next season will be very exciting," Harington told BBC last month. "But John Snow is dead I'm afraid."

"I think [fans' speculation] is great for the show - but they shouldn't get their hopes up about anything because Game of Thrones is very good at dashing hopes."

George R.R. Martin confirmed that "Winds of Winter" will have a major plot twist involving a character who has already been killed off in "Game of Thrones."

"I have decided to do it. Will you know it? I don't know," Martin said to IGN. "It is fairly obvious because it is something that involves a couple of characters, one of which is dead on the show, and not dead in the books."

"So the show can't do it, unfortunately, because they have killed someone I have not killed."

This sparked rumors that Jon Snow will be the one that George R.R. Martin talked about for the "Winds of Winter" plot. However, there are still about 15 other characters who are dead in "Game of Thrones" but not in the book series.

"I get all this stuff about being bloody-minded, but [showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss] are bloodier than I am," the author quipped.

According to Christian Today, there are also speculations that the plot twist in George R.R. Martin's "Winds of Winter" may be about the wife of Robb Stark, Jeyne Westerling, or Stannis Baratheon.

George rr martin, Winds of Winter, Release Date, News, Jon Snow, Game of thrones, Kit Harington