’Ghostbusters’ Trailer Is Out! The Reboot Version Has Tons Of Easter Eggs, Melissa McCarthy And The Rest Of The Cast Look Like They Could Successfully Pull Off The Movie

The "Ghostbusters" trailer is out and the reboot looks epic with easter eggs ripe for the taking. It looks like Melissa McCarthy and the rest of the ladies have successfully rebooted the original film.

The world has finally seen video footage of Paul Feig's reboot of the classic "Ghostbusters." If you're a fan of the original then this all-girl version could just make the ghost hunting much more sweeter.

Easter eggs were all over the place when the video was aired and Feig didn't neglect to include the firehouse which was the base of all ghostly operations from the original movie. The first shot of the firehouse with the graffiti'd classic logo was a homage to the first movie but the all-girl squad would not be making a home out of the classic HQ. Instead, they're using an old Chinese restaurant as homebase.

The first few seconds looks to be referencing the original "Ghostbusters" crew and then it moves to shots of Leslie Jones chancing upon a group of ghosts in the subway. The pack of ghosts looks like they were from the 1920's. What's interesting to see during this hustle are the new proton packs and it was reported that Director Paul Feig had closely followed the making of the gear. The new ghost traps look like a trap for bears and the girls have their own version of the Ecto-1 hearse.

Critics found Kate McKinnon's face hilarious and Melissa McCarthy plays the supernatural expert of the bunch. And from what can be seen in the trailer, it sounds like the major plot is about a supernatural force that is releasing ghosts into the city (like the original movie).

Bonus points if you've spotted the notation on Gilbert's physics board which will take you to this website.

Check out the trailer below:

Melissa mcCarthy, Entertainment