"Scream Queens" season 2 updates have shaken the internet when reports of Nick Jonas coming back as Boone Clemens might make the second season bloodier and "SCREAMier" than ever. Apart from this, Kappa Kappa Tau will see the confirmed return of Emma Roberts, too. Will Lea Michele turn the show red with revenge once again?
JobsNHire previously reported that season 2 would be set in a hospital after season 1 closed with the favorite sorority girls being shipped inside a mental institution. The hospital setting also means there will be tons of blood and medical scenes. According to Movie News Guide, some weird medical cases would start popping up during the season which would add to the sinister plot.
However, "Scream Queens" fans are keen to find out if Nick Jonas is indeed coming back to the world of screaming horrors. If Nick Jonas is indeed reprising his role then that would mean his thirst for revenge is still on bloody red high alert because in the previous season, he was one of the Red Devils. Or maybe he has another ulterior motive? Who knows.
Unfortunately, there are still no confirmed official reports to indicate if Jonas is indeed returning to "Scream Queens" season 2. However, Chanel Oberlin is going to be alive and well but what does she have to do with a hospital? Is she going to play nurse with the handsome doctors that are being casted?
It is not yet clear as the only "Scream Queens" season 2 update that Roberts can tease fans with is that the writers have already started penning the episodes, as posted by the Daily Mail. "Yeah, Chanel is back! I'm so excited for season two of Scream Queens because I can only imagine what the writers have in store for Chanel," says Roberts.
If Nick Jonas will come back, does that mean that Lea Michele will too? She was fully alive and looking non-mental during the final episode of "Scream Queens" season 1.