New Florida Business Logo Sexist?

The new Florida business logo has attracted criticism for being sexist after the logo uses a tie on its design which is generally associated with male business people and not female business people.

In the new Florida business logo, the letter "I" has been replaced with a tie which is generally associated with business men. The logo is then followed with the slogan "The Perfect Climate for Business."

The new logo was unveiled on Monday by Florida Governor Rock Scott and Secretary of Commerce Gray Swoope. Disgruntled spectators vented their frustration with the new logo.

"Perhaps they should add a tag line: 'Florida is the perfect climate for business if you're a man,'" Beth Leytham, a Tampa-based public relations executive, wrote in an email to The Tampa Tribune.

Others say that it's a step back for women. "I thought immediately that it set us back, all the work that we've done. It's not that they have to make it pink or 'girlie,' but maybe put a briefcase or something like an iPhone or smartphone in there to represent business," said Pamela Rogan, the President of the Central Florida Chapter of NAWBO, the National Association of Women Business Owners. "There are a lot of other icons I think can better represent business."

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