Considering a career in journalism? Despite the huge drop-off in print media, there is still a large demand both for online content and the journalists who provide it. If you are someone who likes to research interesting stories and has a flair for turning a phrase, journalism could be the right choice for you. Below we have compiled a list of four of the best majors for journalism, as we take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of each.
1. Journalism
Obviously. If you are dead set on becoming a journalist then getting a major in journalism is the surest way you can lock down a job after graduating.
Advantages: You will become well versed in AP style and will get plenty of practice in how to write an engaging news article. Your references will be solid and you will have a much easier time getting a job through networking
Disadvantages: If you are not careful to supplement your education with some classes that stress critical thinking, your articles may be well-written with little substance.
2. Communications
At some universities journalism is lumped together with communications, and regardless they will have most of the same requirements, making communications an excellent choice for future journalists.
Advantages: You will have an excellent understanding of how to effectively relay information to other people in an engaging way. Through the study of speech and interpersonal relations you will have no problem providing a personable voice to your readers.
Disadvantages: If you don't take some writing courses, you will have a hard time pounding out articles. Also, the aforementioned disadvantage for journalism majors applies here.
3. English
Another no brainer for the budding journalist. Many people in this industry get their start as an English major based largely on the writing skills developed.
Advantages: Your writing ability will be some of the best around. You will be able to produce articles at a high rate of speed, and through the constant analysis of books and themes required of an English major, you will have a well-developed analytical mind.
Disadvantages: You may suffer from the Ivory Tower complex, trying to cram in a bunch of beautiful thoughts in places where people just want information. Will you be able to write technically if need be?
4. Philosophy
Didn't expect this one, did you? Philosophy majors are actually very well suited for a career in journalism, despite the fact that few people recognize this as an option.
Advantages: Critical thinking skills are some of the highest of any majors. There will be a consistent stream of essays assigned that will help hone your writing skills. You will never be accused of not asking 'the big questions'.
Disadvantages: People will be unsure of your qualifications for journalism, so you will have to prove yourself. You will also have to be able to develop a style that isn't so technical, as people do want to feel like they can relate to the author on some level.
Well there you have it, the four best majors for a career in journalism. Undoubtedly, a major in any of these fields will give you plenty of marketable skills when looking for a job. As for me? I went the philosophy route.