It has been a while since fans have seen any signs of The Doctor. The last episode aired was back in December during the "Doctor Who Christmas Special" when Peter Capaldi's character crash-landed in an unknown planet during Christmas Day and by fate encountered his wife, River Song.
About three months have passed and no one has heard the Tardis' familiar hum. The Doctor's companion - Clara, played by Jenna Coleman, needs to be replaced but where has the show gone? The Guardian has it that BBC has not been paying attention to its hit show.
Fans aren't the only ones to notice. Actor Peter Capaldi pointed his fingers at BBC, claiming that they've been neglecting the show. He might not be far from the truth as BBC is in discussion about resting the show. Capaldi went on to say that "The BBC is an incredible organisation, but ... sometimes people there think, 'That's looking after itself.' And it's not being looked after. I think maybe their eye was taken off the ball, or the show was seen as a thing they could just push around. It's not. It's a special thing," a report from Newsweek claimed.
Creator Steven Moffat told Radio Times that a new Doctor and a new companion, since Coleman left, were not the best cases to restart the hit show.
Recently, BBC reported that Peter Capaldi has been promoting the DVD version of "Doctor Who" season 9. Although the actor is frustrated that the family show is not being looked at properly, he's still making his rounds as he's a fan of the show since he was a child.
Added speculations are circling Rakhee Thakrar as being casted to play the new "Doctor Who" companion. Although unconfirmed, this bodes hope that a renewal is being played out by the network.