Tom Hiddleston And Elizabeth Olsen News: ‘I Saw The Light’ Onscreen Couple Shares ‘Steamy’ Romance In Bed?

Who can get over the thought of Tom Hiddleston and Elizabeth Olsen dating in real life? As the fans await for the showing of their film "I Saw The Light" in cinemas on Mar. 25, a sneak peek preview of their portrayal as husband and wife, will drive shippers crazy as Hiddleston and Olsen was seen sharing a steamy scene in bed.

Vulture just dropped one major titillating scene in the movie "I Saw The Light" wherein Hiddleston and Olsen shared.The short clip delves in the undeniable chemistry and passionate kiss of Hiddleston and Olsen as they portray the husband and wife Hank and Audrey Williams.

Although it might be hard to move on from Hiddleston and Olsen's steamy love scene, the character that Hiddleston portrays in "I Saw The Light" is a very significant part of the American country music. Hiddleston plays the legendary Hank Williams who was regarded as a highly influential person in the music scene at that time and who became more famous with songs "Move It On Over," "Your Cheatin' Heart" and "I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry."

Meanwhile Olsen's character Audrey Williams on the film was Hank's wife and manager. Audrey plays a vital part in Hank's career when it first started and as he achieved his famous statute after 10 years of managing him. Audrey was also a witness on how Hank's career plummeted due to alcoholism and drug problems.

"I Saw The Light" mainly features the life, success and downfall of the then country legend Hank Williams who at 29-years-old died a sudden death in 1952. The title of the movie itself plays a remarkable note in the aftermath of Hank's death. "I Saw The Light" is the song that Hank's supporters sang when he was declared dead due to heart failure caused by drugs and alcohol.

Watch Tom Hiddleston and Elizabeth Olsen in "I Saw The Light" in theaters on Mar. 25, 2016.

News, Celebrity Dating, Rumors, Tom Hiddleston, Elizabeth Olsen, Movies