Nike Self-Tying Shoes From “Back To The Future” On Sale This Year At Your Local Shoe Store

Nike announced yesterday that this year, the company will sell a running shoe that resembles the sneakers Michael J. Fox wore on the movie "Back to the Future." This running shoe will have the "breakthrough, adaptive lacing" and will be launched at this year's holiday season.

It will be called the Nike HyperAdapt 1.0 and will be made available to all Nike+ members, the shoe brand's running app. The sneakers are equipped with what the company calls "adaptive lacing" which automatically adjusts the snugness of the shoe.

"When you step in, your heel will hit a sensor and the system will automatically tighten," claimed Tiffany Beers, senior innovator of the company and technical leader of the project.

"Then there are two buttons on the side to tighten and loosen. You can adjust it until it's perfect," she added.

If the wearer wants to make the shoe tighter, he can make quick "micro-adjustments" which is much faster than untying and then retying the laces altogether. It may even be possible that personal adjustments will not be needed at all.

The age-old problem of tripping over loose laces will also be finally licked by this new adaptive lacing innovation.

In Oct. 21, 2015, Nike gave the "Back to the Future" star Michael J. Fox one pair of Nike Mag shoes which are self-lacing. It was supposedly the date when the actor's character in the film went back 30 years from the past.

Tinker Hatfield, a Nike designer wrote the film studio Fox at the time that the shoe manufacturer was designing "more pairs for support in aid of the Michael J. Fox Foundation in 2016."

The HyperAdapt 1.0 is the actual incarnation of a shoe that was formerly a science fiction but today is now a science fact. It is ready for mass-market and fans of the iconic film will finally have their chance to wear them.

Nike, Nike release dates
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