If you feel you've hit a plateau at your job, want a new position at a prestigious company or want a different career altogether, a career coach might be the key to your success.
When coaching is done properly, it can be the best investment you'll ever make in yourself. Hiring a career coach is a growing trend among professionals, and it's not just for executives, either. People from all different points in their career are actively looking to career coaching for help.
So before you decide which coach to work with, here are five steps will help guide you to a coach that can really help make a difference:
Define your objective
The first thing you need to do is ask yourself: "Why do I need a coach?" If you're interested in changing careers, you'll want to work with a coach who's experienced in career reinvention. If you plan to stay in your field but need assistance navigating the job search, you'll want to find someone skilled at resume writing, finding work through social media and other job-hunting techniques.
Seek out coaches who match your needs
Many coaches specialize in one type of client, so there may be some who work with people just like you.
Career coaches also specialize by style and technique. As my Next Avenue colleague Kerry Hannon noted in a blog post she wrote for Forbes, How to Connect to a Career Coach: "There are countless career coaches touting their services with a variety of styles and philosophies, and winnowing down the field requires doing some due diligence."
Give preference to counselors who charge per visit
Many coaches ask for payment up front. This is perfectly appropriate and standard practice across the industry. Think of it as a retainer. On the other hand, if the coach asks for a percentage of your salary growth, steer clear. This type of financial arrangement will poison the coaching relationship. Obviously, a coach who has a stake in your financial success will have less than pure motivations in giving you the right guidance.