U.S. Enterprise Sees Cuba’s Potential But Hindered By Brick Wall

Cuba offers a new frontier for U.S. enterprises but despite their potential, it would still be difficult for U.S. businesses to move their resources to Cuba owing to the brick walls.

Brick walls symbolize the hurdles and obstacles as well as the challenges that await these enterprises. According to a report from WFMY News 2, there are a number of groups that have seen the potential of the nation. It appears that a group called the Indiana Farm Bureau has seen the budding growth of Cuba.

According to the same report, "Last year, representatives of the Indiana Farm Bureau, agribusiness firms, trade groups and others witnessed a shortage of food on store shelves and rusted-out Russian tractors during a September trip to the island, which was once the ninth-largest importer of U.S. agricultural products." It stands out that Cuba imports most of the nation's food and it was found out that there are some essential ingredients that have to be imported from other nations because Cuba does not seem to have it.

Even though Cuba is considered as one of the latest frontier for investing and pooling of resources. The mere idea of importing and setting up businesses in Cuba is easier said than done, particularly for U.S. businesses.

Despite the aims of the Obama administration to strengthen political ties with Cuba and reconstitute business ties with the region, it cannot be easily attained. One of the major hurdles that were spotted was a question of power and governance.

Spokeswoman Kara Brooks said "Governor Pence has long believed in policies that will help bring democracy and respect for human rights to the people of Cuba, but it's clear that the government in Cuba has no intention of modifying its policies. With that in mind, the state of Indiana is not pursuing opportunities to do business with Cuba."

In addition, Indy Star reported that the "U.S. enterprises would have to deal with logistical issues that would make trading with Cuba difficult, such as inadequate telecommunications, electricity and refrigerated storage."

It appears that incapability of Cuba to smooth the progress of transactions through credit is among the brick wall that business enterprises have to overcome. It is not yet clear on whether the United States and Cuba would retain its former relations of being agriculture-trading partners and eradicate the tensions that divided them after the Cuban revolution.

Obama administration, United States