If by any chance you finally get paid and wish that your take-home cash was more substantial, then you might want to consider trying to nail a brand new job. In this list are 10 of the highest paying jobs in the U.S. for the year 2016 according to Forbes. Take a look:
1. Anesthesiologist
Annual mean wages: $235,070
Employees in the field: 30,200
Anesthesiologists are the physicians who have completed a program in anesthesiology after training in medical school. Anesthetists provide medical help to patients who are undergoing a preoperative evaluation airway management, provision of pain control and a whole lot more. Historically, there has been a shortage of anesthesiologists in the U.S.
2. Surgeon
Annual mean wages: $233,150
Employees in the field: 41,030
Surgeons are specialists in surgery. And since surgery is a wide variety of medical treamtment which involves the cutting of a body for reasons such as removal of tissues and such, surgeons can be physicians, dentists or veterinarians.
3. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
Annual mean wages: $218,960
Employees in the field: 5,280
Oral and Maxillofacial surgeons (OMS) specialize in treating a lot of illnesses including injuries and defects of the mouth, jaws and face region.
4. Obstetrician and Gynecologist
Annual mean wages: $212,570
Employees in the field: 21,730
Obstetrics and Gynecology, often abbreviated as OB/GYN is the medical specialty that deals with female reproductive health.
5. Orthodontist
Annual mean wages: $196,270
Employees in the field: 5,570
Wikipedia states that Orthodontia was the first ever field created in the field of dentistry. Orthodontists deals with the correction of the teeth and jaws.
6. Internist
Annual mean wages: $188,440
Employees in the field: 46,410
Internists or, without a modifier, physicians, deal with prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases for adults.
7. Physician or other
Annual mean wages: $187,200
Employees in the field: 307,220
Physicians are professionals who deal with the study of human health. They may focus on specific types of patients and diseases.
8. Family and General Practitioner
Annual mean wages: $183,940
Employees in the field: 120,860
General practitioners are medical doctors who treat illnesses and provide health education to patients.
9. Psychiatrist
Annual mean wages: $182,600
Employees in the field: 25,040
Psychiatrists are specialists who deal with mental disorders.
10. Chief Executive
Annual mean wages: $178,400
Employees in the field: 248,760
Chief Executive Officers, or the CEO's, are in charge of managing a certain organization.