For years there have been conspiracy theorists who claim that Roswell, NM was the sight of a UFO crash landing in the summer of 1947. Well, they just may be right. An FBI memo that seems to prove their case has gotten a lot of attention on the internet lately.
The Roswell UFO incident has for decades served as the cornerstone of the UFO conspiracy community's stance that alien life has visited us. They claim that several saucers crash landed in Roswell, NM in July of 1947, and that several alien bodies were found on board. Unsurprisingly, the government was quick to take hold of the vehicles and bodies, and equally quick to feed lies about their origin to the foreman that found them.
On July 8, 1947, public information officer Walter Haut issued a press release stating that personnel from the Roswell Army Air Field had recovered "flying disc" that had crashed at a ranch near Roswell. Later that day, Commanding General of the Eighth Air Force, Roger Ramey disputed those claims, stating that the vehicle in question was simply a weather balloon. The incident was largely forgotten for 30 years.
Fast-forward to 1978, when physicist Stanley Friedman reintroduced the case to the UFO community, stating that it was his belief that the government had been involved in a cover-up over the event, and that the crash really was from several UFOs. UFO believers were eager to pick up his theory, and ever since Roswell, New Mexico has been synonymous with aliens.
Well, 35 years after Friedman first reopened the case, and a full 65 years after it happened, the internet is now buzzing over FBI documents that indicate Roswell was actually the site of an alien crash. In a memo dated March 22, 1950, the head of the FBI's Washington D.C. field office wrote to President Hoover, and indicated that there were aliens at the crash site.
"They were described as being circular in shape with raised centers, approximately 50 feet in diameter. Each one was occupied by three bodies of human shape but only three feet tall, dressed in metallic cloth of a very fine texture. Each body was bandaged in a manner similar to the blackout suits used by speed fliers and test pilots."
Before you get out the tin foil hats and shotguns, however, the FBI has already addressed the issue on its blog. They state that the Hottel memo in no way proves the existence of aliens, and that it is just a second or third hand account of what took place that they never bothered to investigate. The memo also came a full four months after the FBI has ceased investigations into what took place in Roswell.
The whole situation seems even more odd though, when one considers that the author of this document was the head of the FBI's Washington D.C. office. Surely, he must have known that the FBI was no longer investigating Roswell, and would not have sent this memo in less it was of importance. Others have claimed that the memo was a fake, but if that's the case, why would the FBI call it a second or third-hand account, and not just a complete forgery? It's likely that no one will ever know for sure what happened in Roswell, but rest assured, this memo will give conspiracy theorists ammunition for years to come.
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