FBI Says: Apple, We Don't Need Your iPhone Hack, Syed Farook Terrorist Assistance Turned Down Big Time

The FBI has called out Apple, previously, to aid them in unlocking a terrorist's iPhone 5C. However, Apple has claimed that it violates user privacy and security even though it was a federal request. According to CNET, FBI has now spoken out and told Apple that they no longer need the company in helping them open up, the known terrorist and San Bernardino shooter, Syed Farook's iPhone 5C. It was Apple's CEO Tim Cook that stood in the way of their mission.

For quite a while, the FBI has been coordinating with Apple on seeing their goal through but a sudden revelation on Monday revealed that they were able to coordinate with an outside party's help that can provide FBI investigators a way to get into the phone and access data.

This left Apple powerless on the issue. Now, Ed McAndrew, a former federal cybercrimes prosecutor and current Washington, D.C-based lawyer at Ballard Spahr, said that Apple might have less power to keep the FBI out of its customer's phones. Since the federal government has approached another party, that leaves Apple on a stand-still.

"The government is not saying they're going to stand down, they're not agreeing at this point that this case is moot," McAndrew said. "This suggests that Apple's participation may be diminished and that they may have less control of this process."

The government's move now leads to many questions. McAndrew explained that,"This has the potential to undermine the security of Apple's devices," Other questions include: "Who is this outside party? A hacker? A cyber-forensic investigator? A security researcher?"

JNH has previously reported that Apple has already released the latest iOS update that will boost encryption. While the company is working over-time to secure the devices, the government is trying to find a way to decrease encryption.

IPhone, Iphone 5c, San Bernardino, Apple