Facebook Is Still The Most Popular Social Platform Among Millennials

A lot has come to believe that the teens of today have grown tired of Facebook and that millennials prefer Snapchat and Instagram. However, a recent comScore survey proves otherwise.

The survey found that teens and millennials still use Facebook as their primary social media site and that most of their engagements are still through this social media platform. The survey reveals that most people belonging to the 18-34-year-old demographic spends at least 1,000 minutes/month surfing the social network.

According to Amigo Bulls, there are actually a few reasons why Facebook is still number one. For one, it is believed that the social network is "by far the most complete social network out there." True enough, Facebook has everything a social network should have, including a Timeline, a News Feed, Trending Topics, status updates, photos, and notifications.

Another reasons is that the "user interface is attractively laid out and highly intuitive." Most millennials go to Facebook when they have the feel to "broadcast to their friends stuff about their lives."

Lastly, Facebook has been offering new ways to improve user interaction, including the incorporation of video and addition of other unique features.

The social network has been regularly providing updates. For instance, it recently launched the Suggested Videos feature that allows users to watch random videos that are interesting and trending.

Another recent update is the Facebook Lite. This is "a stripped-down version of the main app that consumes much less bandwidth than the main app and one that people in developing economies can use."

In other words, the social media's ability to attract to individuals from all age brackets might be one of the reasons why investors continue to pour in. The site is not only for teens and millennials, but it has also been proven that Facebook place an important role for companies and businesses.

Facebook, Facebook updates