Part Time Jobs For College Students

College students need the money: this is a universally accepted fact. What they also need, however, is something flexible enough to fit around their studies, and Monster has a list of suggestions for them.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that the proportion of students working or looking for work was 38% is October 2014. Students need jobs to pay for tuition, books or even to support themselves.

But jobs in college aren't just about the money. Work experience during study can be an excellent resource for acquiring skills. Many managers are looking for part time employees who have potential to turn into full time workers once they graduate.

Career services experts encourage students to find jobs that keep their skills fresh once they have utilized them.

1.You could be a computer technician

Obviously, this one needs you to have extensive knowledge of computer software and hardware, but there are a lot of tech whizs out there who could benefit from having this as a part time job. Not only can your timings be flexible, you can earn high pay of around $25 per hour if you are good at what you do.

2. You could tutor

The pay for this one is very high at $20 to $40 per hour depending on your expertise. The hours can also be set by you, which is always a great plus for someone studying themselves. You could either teach fellow college students or younger students. Teaching, in addition to being financially lucrative for a college student, can also be a rewarding job.

3. You could be a fitness trainer

If you like staying fit and have done your fair share of homework on it, you can motivate others to do the same. All you need is a fitness training certification which should not take you more than a few months. Then you can either work for gyms or on your own.

Jobs, Advice, Work, Career