What’s Your True Calling: ‘Career Courage’ Book Helps You Answer That Question

At some point in our lives, thinking about what kind of career you're going to follow can be difficult. It's probably much more difficult compared to getting a job. While other people can say that they love their job and provides them the means to live their lives, some do not have that luxury. Some people still ask that question 30 years later.

"Career Courage," a book written by Katie Kelley, talks about how an individual works through college or university. Most people start out with a career goal in mind. One that they hope to follow and achieve but this isn't always the case. What shadows their happiness is the need to earn a paycheque and that would lead people to doing what they don't want to do.

The book tells readers how they need to evaluate what they want to do out of life by extracting the true vision and values of the person. It covers a variety of topics including motivation, character types and confidence. By asking the right questions, conquering your fears and how and why there is a need to make changes - ultimately, one will achieve "Career Courage," as described by SmallBizTrends. The website suggests troubled workers to consider reading the book. Especially, those who want to figure out what they want to do in life and work. In these difficult economic times, it can be rather daunting to think much further than the need to gain employment to ensure that you receive a salary at the end of the month. But for author Kelley, who also had her fair share of career swaps, it's a risk she and some other Americans have taken or are willing to take.

"Career Courage: Discover Your Passion, Step Out of Your Comfort Zone, and Create the Success You Want," dives into the professional and personal satisfaction of the working person. It's currently available in Amazon.com.

Career Advice