Google Goggles Functionality To Be Implemented On Android Cameras?

The Google Goggles functionality may soon be one of the preset modes for Android cameras. Apparently, there will no longer be a need to download another app to visually search stuff.

According to Slash Gear, an anonymous source has revealed that the tech giant may be releasing a new camera feature. Soon, users can use their default camera app to look for information based on its visual features.

Moreover, the Google Goggles integration would also allow the user to outline the object that they want to capture. This way, the object that needs to be identified would be easily recognized by the search engine.

It was said that the system was made primarily for smartphones. Testing for "wearable computing devices" has reportedly been done as well.

Android Authority noted that Google Goggles is "actually an awesome app." However, not all users want to download it. This may be the reason why the company may be integrating it on Android cameras.

Venture Beat reported that Google Goggles was launched in 2009 to serve as a visual search technology app. After a few years, though, the company no longer sent updates for it.

"If today's rumor is true, instead of making it a standalone app, Google will merge it directly with the camera so it comes incorporated in all phones, likely to build up mobile search usage," the publication wrote. "In fact, it's likely that with the reported Google keyboard, the company is looking for more seamless ways to get people to search without having to open up another app - it'll be built into the tools that we're accustomed to using."

It was previously reported that the new Google Map update has added a ride-sharing tab for iOS users. The update came a week after it was launched on Android devices.

With the Google Map update, once the user clicks on the available tiers like UberX or UberSelect, it automatically opens the app of Google's US partner, Uber. It shows the available ride-sharing options and price quotes.

Google, Android, Tech