Grand Theft Auto 5 had a good run at this point for a solid two and a half years, a title that never gets old for it's countless of activities available in the open-world crime game. Reports suggests that Rockstar Games developer are in production of making its next sequel of Grand Theft Auto 6 that is currently in the preliminary stages of development.
The GTA game is one of Rockstar's flagship series and billion dollar franchise, being the biggest and highest revenue earning game series around that sold over 60 million copies.
The reason why Rockstar is starting its development of the game, is to build a new engine for the next entry to take advantage of the latest and more powerful PS4 and Xbox One consoles. GTA 5 started its development in the middle of the generation of PS3 and Xbox 360, which was first launched on those consoles before reaching the next generation consoles a year after.
According to a report from HypeBeast, stating that GTA 6 was supposedly to be set in the metropolis of Tokyo Japan, where Rockstar staff travelled the city to scout for locations for necessary research, but they ran into different sorts of problems such as difficulty in adapting Japan's complex roadway system to the game, which they felt it was a disconnect with the culture of GTA.
It isn't certain whether the plans for the game that was set in Tokyo could be the next setting for GTA 6, considering that Tokyo was already explored way back in 2003, following the releases of GTA 3 and Vice City.
Although Rockstar was serious about Tokyo's potential for becoming a full GTA game. Considering that GTA 5 started its production in 2009 before being released in 2013, and it did not show its full potential only later when it was ported on the next generation consoles in 2014, this concludes that GTA 6 might see itself being released until 2020, or by the end of this console's life cycle.