Twitter’s Periscope Touts 200 Million Live Streams In Its First Year

Twitter announced on Monday that Periscope have managed to broadcast more than 200 million live stream videos to its users since the app hit the market about a year ago, resulting in more than 100 years of live video being watched by Periscope users on a daily on iOS and Android.

Periscope celebrated its first year online this weekend which the company revealed some of its broadcast metrics indicating how fast the service grew since its debut on March 2015. When the video streaming service was first set in motion, it quickly started gaining momentum within Twitter where it has been ranked as a major pillar for the company.

Periscope first launched on March 26 last year at the South by Southwest conference as its prime rival to Meerkat that was beginning to capture traction. During the two way segment of the conference fair, Twitter took a shot across Meerkat's bow by announcing an access service to its API in favor of Periscope. A year after, Meerkat decided to go in a different direction due to the fact that the live video market was getting crowded, where Facebook Live was introduced and following YouTube Connect.

As Periscope appears to be holding strong, it's hard to know how they would measure up against other of its rivals since they've never released their metrics publicly. Although such as Facebook and Snapchat, Periscope seems to pay a close attention to its metrics above all else.

Twitter has depended a lot on Periscope since its center of attention relies on live events. According to a report from Bloomberg, stating that CEO Jack Dorsey's role in the company focuses on gathering people together to watch live events in a setting where information comes really fast. Dorsey also believed that Periscope would play an important role in Twitter's future. Where in February, he placed his executive team as head of the live video streaming service.

Twitter, IOS, Android, Jack Dorsey