How Do Deal With A Boss Who Is Doing Something Illegal

Discovering that your boss is into shady stuff is everyone's worst nightmare. So what should you do when that happens? Monster gives some pointers on how to deal with a situation like this.

You could always quit, of course. You could find a better job where the law is respected and you are not put in the impossible situation of having to work with criminals.

But that is not always possible. Sometimes, you might need the money and jobs might be scarce around. Sometimes, the magnitude of the crime might require your conscience to stay and fix the situation or at least report he crime.

But remember that protecting yourself and others around you comes first, always. Remember these pointers and you should, hopefully, manage to navigate your way out of a difficult situation.

1. Do your homework

Make sure you have all the facts, and the right ones. Don't go blabbing without knowing exactly what is being done illegal and who is doing it. This might take some time, effort and patience, so be prepared for this.

Do you know, for example, what laws are being broken? Do you know how many employees the company has, because some laws only apply to companies of over a certain number of employees? Maybe the laws of the state the company is in are different from your state?

Have your evidence ready, too. Keep copies in multiple places. Have a backup plan, always.

2, Talk to the right person

If you are sure the company is involved in illegal activities, make sure you talk to the supervisor. Follow the chain of command, and then move up as and when you have to. Don't tell your friends, don't gossip about it. You will only get yourself into trouble.

3. Don't assume you will be protected

Even if you do come under the protection of whistleblower laws, it doesn't mean you won't have other problems. Think wrongful termination and workplace harassment, at the very least.

Work, Job, Career