More People At Work You Should Avoid Like The Plague

Good work relations are imperative, and making enemies is never wise. That being said, do not forget that some people will not go down alone but take you down with them should you be within grasping reach. Monster helps you identify some more people at work you should avoid.

1. The Ego Booster

This one will very likely be difficult to spot because they will trying to sidle up to you and tell you how amazing you are and how you should be getting all the credit for the amazing work you have been doing.

However, along with all the flattery will be their claim that they are the only ones who appreciates you for who you really are.

Sound familiar? It should, because it sounds like an abusive relationship. Think of this like the workplace equivalent of an abusive relationship. This person will create problems in your life by creating a distance between you and the team of people around you. They will also encourage you to focus on the credit rather than the work, and this is dangerous.

All members of the company benefit from good work, and teamwork is an essential part of work.

2. The eternal pessimist-slash-loose mouth

Yes, having friends at work you can vent to is a healthy idea, but beware of the self destructive pessimist who cannot keep secrets. Every conversation with them is like talking to Sadness in "Inside Out."

Life is gloomy and dull and a cesspool of misery when you're with me. And worst of all, they are so self destructive they don't care about losing their job, either. But you do, so watch out.

3. The backstabber

Some people are just ruthless gladiators in human skin and will always put themselves before you. They have no code of ethics, no conscience and no qualms about squashing you like a bug to step over you. Identify them early, and stay far, far away.
