Top 10 Highest-Paying Jobs For Folks Who Don't Want To Sit All Day

Getting yourself a job doesn't necessarily mean that you have to sit behind a desk inside a cubicle all day. According to an analysis of data provided by Economic Modeling Specialists Intl., CareerBuilder's labor market data arm that pulls from over 90 government and private resources, some of the most profitable careers across the US are nondesk jobs. Here are 10 of them as compiled by the Business Insider.

1. Anesthesiologists

Median hourly pay: $92.41

BLS job description: Physicians who administer anesthetics prior to, during, or after surgery, or other medical procedures.

2. Surgeons

Median hourly pay: $91.66

BLS job description: Physicians who treat diseases, injuries, and deformities by invasive, minimally invasive, or noninvasive surgical methods, such as using instruments, appliances, or by manual manipulation.

3. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

Median hourly pay: $90

BLS job description: Perform surgery and related procedures on the hard and soft tissues of the oral and maxillofacial regions to treat diseases, injuries, or defects.

4. Orthodontists

Median hourly pay: $90

BLS job description: Examine, diagnose, and treat dental malocclusions and oral cavity anomalies. Design and fabricate appliances to realign teeth and jaws to produce and maintain normal function and to improve appearance.

5. Psychiatrists

Median hourly pay: $86.03

BLS job description: Physicians who diagnose, treat, and help prevent disorders of the mind.

6. Nurse Anesthetists

Median hourly pay: $72.64

BLS job description: Administer anesthesia, monitor patient's vital signs, and oversee patient recovery from anesthesia.

7. Dentists

Median hourly pay: $70.36

BLS job description: Examine, diagnose, and treat diseases, injuries, and malformations of teeth and gums.

8. Airline Pilots, Co-pilots, and Flight Engineers

Median hourly pay: $55.38

BLS job description: Pilot and navigate the flight of fixed-wing, multi-engine aircraft, usually on scheduled air carrier routes, for the transport of passengers and cargo.

9. Optometrists

Median hourly pay: $48.70

BLS job description: Diagnose, manage, and treat conditions and diseases of the human eye and visual system. Examine eyes and visual system, diagnose problems or impairments, prescribe corrective lenses, and provide treatment.

10. Physician Assistants

Median hourly pay: $44.70

BLS job description: Provide healthcare services typically performed by a physician, under the supervision of a physician. Conduct complete physicals, provide treatment, and counsel patients.

Job, Career