NBA Stars LeBron James, Kobe Bryant, Carmelo Anthony Ventures Into Business

It appears that not only are the celebrities venturing in the business world but even NBA stars have followed the trend as well. It stands out that NBA Stars LeBron James, Kobe Bryant, and Carmelo Anthony have joined the other A-stars in investing their resources into the business industry.

In former report from All About Basketball, "LeBron James is arguably the biggest NBA superstar right now. Besides endorsing a number of products, he himself has shoe line, a marketing company called LRMR and a luxury lifestyle store "Unknwn" in Miami, and he is also a minority stakeholder in English football club Liverpool."

With those investments at hand, many are wondering LeBron was able to juggle between playing on the court and ensuring that his business is treading on the right path.

In addition, the same site reported that, "Since 2009, Kobe Bryant is having a partnership with Swiss Watchmaker, Nubeo. The company makes Bryant's own line of luxury watches Black Mamba Collection. He has a Nintendo video game series to his namesake and also signature shoes with Nike."

It appears that both Kobe and LeBron have noticed the great revenues that businesses can provide. Not only Kobe and LeBron but also even Carmelo Anthony has picked it up as well. For Carmelo, he invested in a site named It is a site that offers information about premier luxury watches and he also He pooled his resources in an energy drink PowerCoco. Being in the industry is not easy and it is a feat that other celebrities such as Tyra Banks, Celine Dion and Jessica Alba have achieved, as reported by Jobs & Hire.

Moreover, despite the rising competition, NBA Stars LeBron James, Kobe Bryant, Carmelo Anthony are fully convinced that profits can be gained from the business side as well.

Kobe Bryant, Carmelo Anthony, Lebron james