Great news for Buffalo, N.Y. job seekers as a team of senior global team of IBM executives is in Buffalo for the next three weeks, as a pro bono consulting visit funded by the IBM Smarter Cities Challenge Grant.
Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown welcomed the team Tuesday, with city officials and community members, according to WIVB news.
"What we want to get at is, what are the unique, specific issues here, so we can come up with a collective recommendation based on our years of experience and our industry knowledge," said Sunil Murthy, an IBM business unit executive based in Cupertino, Calif.
Four hundred cities worldwide applied for a competitive "Smarter Cities" grant from IBM over the last three years, and Buffalo was one of 100 that won.
In a release from the City of Buffalo, there is a breakdown of the three-week visit:
- Week One - the global team will tour Buffalo and interview key City officials and community stakeholders.
- Week Two - the team will consider and discuss the information its members have gathered and will conduct follow-up interviews with original and additional stakeholders as needed.
- Week Three - the team will solidify its findings and report out to the community at a culminating event on Thursday, May 23, 2013.
- Post-Engagement - the team will prepare a detailed, written report with recommendations for how Buffalo might efficiently and effectively utilize data to develop, enhance and facilitate employment opportunities for young adults in Buffalo.