Study: Companies More Likely to Hire Interns in 2013

Good news for internship seekers. A new study found that companies are increasingly hiring interns for in house jobs, as opposed to looking outside the company.

A 2012 study by reports that 53% of employers surveyed said they expected to hire more interns in 2013 than they did in 2012.

An internship or temp position can give students and grads a chance to try a company on for size to see if the working environment, office culture and industry are a good fit overall, says Kim Whiteside, manager of the Career Services Center at Bellevue University.

"Does the job description match what I'm being asked to do? Does the company culture align with my values? Am I being properly trained? Are other employees happy to be here? Do I feel good coming to work each day?" she says. "The answers to these questions will go a long way toward helping an intern know whether the company is a place where he or she can thrive."

Microsoft announced their Explore Microsoft Internship Program on Monday which is a 12-week summer internship program that is specifically designed for college underclassmen (freshmen and sophomores) and offers the opportunity to experience working at Microsoft.

This program is designed to expose students to the field of software development and encourage students to pursue degrees in computer science, computer engineering, or related technical disciplines through hands-on training and group project experience.

Microsoft is encouraging groups currently underrepresented in the field of computer science - women, minorities (African American, American Indian, Hispanic), and individuals with disabilities to apply for the internships.

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